# |
Folder/File |
Purpose |
1 |
📁 lib/ |
Main app logic and UI code. |
2 |
📄 lib/main.dart |
Entry point of the app (contains main() function). |
3 |
📄 lib/home.dart (Custom) |
Example file for the home screen UI. |
4 |
📄 lib/services.dart (Custom) |
Example file for API requests. |
5 |
📁 android/ |
Android-specific configurations and code. |
6 |
📄 android/AndroidManifest.xml |
Defines permissions and app settings. |
7 |
📄 android/build.gradle |
Android build settings. |
8 |
📄 android/MainActivity.kt |
Entry point for the Flutter app on Android. |
9 |
📁 ios/ |
iOS-specific configurations and code. |
10 |
📄 ios/Runner/Info.plist |
Defines app settings for iOS. |
11 |
📁 assets/ |
Stores images, fonts, JSON, and other static files. |
12 |
📁 test/ |
Contains unit and widget test files. |
13 |
📄 test/widget_test.dart |
Example test file for app functionality. |
14 |
📁 build/ |
Auto-generated files when you compile the app. |
15 |
📄 pubspec.yaml |
Manages dependencies, assets, fonts, and metadata. |
16 |
📄 pubspec.lock |
Auto-generated lock file that records dependency versions. |
17 |
📄 .gitignore |
Specifies files to ignore in Git. |
18 |
📄 README.md |
Documentation about the project. |
19 |
📄 analysis_options.yaml (Optional) |
Configures Dart code analysis rules. |